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cell motility analysis package

cellmap is a collection of open source software packages that analyzes timelapse sequences of moving cells. various quantitites characterizing motility are calculated, including normal velocity of the membrane, cell contact area, and spatio-temporal auto-correlation functions.

you can download the first release of novel at the sourceforge download page.

this software is free for scientific use. please contact us if you plan to use this software for commercial purposes. do not further distribute without prior permission of the authors. if used in your scientific work, please cite as:

Hans-Günther Döbereiner, Benjamin J. Dubin-Thaler, Jake M. Hofman, Harry S. Xenias, Tasha N. Sims, Grégory Giannone, Michael L. Dustin, Chris H. Wiggins, and Michael P. Sheetz, "Lateral Membrane Waves Constitute a Universal Dynamic Pattern of Motile Cells", Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 038102 , 2006.

see the paper and bibtex citation. please forward links to resulting publications so we can learn about your research.

see the sourceforge project page for more information.

some screenshots of novel:

novel: matlab gui
novel: normal velocity and area statistics

novel: normal velocity as a function of time and non-normalized arclength

this work was funded by the national institutes of health under grant #PN2EY016586-04


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